Sunday, June 19, 2005

Things that suck about America #3

Banking. Backward and infected with the usual American beauracracy.
I had to open both a "Checking" account and a savings account at the Credit Union. Exactly what a Checking account is I'm not too sure - probably has something to do with cheques/checks (which are practically extinct at home). The dumb part is I declined a cheque/check book because I knew I wouldn't need it. So I have an empty account sitting there that I will never use. Score one for efficiency. Electronic transactions take THREE DAYS to clear.
I had to give them my SSN when I got it but they wouldn't take it over the phone. NO I had to go into a branch to fill out a W9 form. Do you think they had any? When they finally got some in I discovered all a W9 form consists of is a space for your SSN and a space for your signature. Score two for efficency.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ahh Mashy, you have now come full circle.
No longer is it necessary to try to explain the stupidity of US systems to you, for you have now taken it up the a### as far as the rest of us.

Does it amaze you that NOBODY escapes?

You'll be thinking a bit more kindly about things back in Aus now I bet.