Thursday, June 02, 2005

My (almost) Trip to Santa Cruz - Part Two

As I came towards the beach I started to see a few more cars. Then I got shunted towards the beach road, a short strip of about 1km the runs through the heart of the beach area. The only problems were:
1. Everyone else in California were also here.
2. All the carparks were full
3. All the roads down the hill to the beach road were one-way TOWARDS the beach road.
So more and more cars just got funelled onto the road with no way out. Took me about 40 mins to get through here. The place looked like fun though. With no map I wandered blindly through the Santa Cruz streets until I got a park (with parking meter) at the Marina. I only had 45 mins worth of change on me so I had to make the best of it. I had been driving for about 2.5 hours.
Got down to the south beach and that was nice. Took as many snaps as I could and then headed home. Turns out the people who know more than me (everyone) take the highway 17 to Santa Cruz. Damm glad I didn't take it though as at 4:30 pm the highway was stacked up for miles at the Santa Cruz exit. Took about 40 mins to get home!


Anonymous said...

Yeah, the 17, or there is another road that takes you through the hills too, but you don't have to head up the 280 first. Can't remember the number, but I will post back here when I do...

Mashy said...

That's the one I took, the 84. Read more carefully next time.