Sunday, June 12, 2005

Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum

The Rosicrucians are a bunch of B-class wackos who believe in all kinds of esoteric stuff. None-the-less they run a good Egyptian museum in San Jose that apparently is the largest permanent collection on the west coast. This was just up from work on the 880 near San Jose airport so I dropped in Sunday.
Housed in a whole complex of egyptian-styled buildings that just screamed wacko, the museum was small to medium sized but well presented. They had some good original stuff and some reproductions of famous stuff as well. With flash photography banned it was a little hard to get good photos.
They also had a planetarium show about the ancient cult of Mithraism that was interesting even if the planetarium part was a little lame. The gift shop sucked even by museum standards.

Then swam and spent a bit more time in the sun (t-shirt on this time). I reckon it was about 38C in the sun. Running out of beer.


Anonymous said...

Hmmm, in Focault's Pendulum the Rosicrucians come up quite often. I believe that he links them to the Knights Templar somehow. Has something to do with the KTs wearing the tabbard of the red cross.

Mashy said...

Yes Focault was another wacky dude who wrote wrong things about the Templars.