Thursday, May 26, 2005

*Mashy acquires deodorant*

Slept in Sunday morning for the first time since I arrived. Left the building and walked through the San Antonio "Mall" right behind the apartment building. Shopped at Wal Mart. Wal Mart is just like K Mart at home - nothing more to say really. Got some laundry detergent, toothpaste, and other associated stuff. Practically every brand I have seen/used at home is here so it is easy to find what I am looking for. My main achievement here was acquiring deodorant. Managed to get my hands on some aerosol deodorant which apparently is hard to find. Americans tend to like the rub-on stick type ones - don't know why. Why you would want to rub into your armpit something you rubbed into your armpit yesterday escapes me.

Made a second trip to Trader Joe's and Albertsons. By this time it is heating up a bit and it must have reached 28/29 degrees I guess. Trader Joes is a specialty supermarket that contains a lot of imported food, healthy food etc. The floor is made up of two isles food, one isle home type products and three isles of alcohol. Gotta love those priorities. This is the place to buy beer as they have micro-brewry and imported stuff. Hammer and Ryan both buy copious amounts of alcohol here (only joking). Got some healthy milk as that is all they had. This is where I found the Vodka Marinara - just had to try it.

Albertsons is just a regular supermerket. Got some chicken here which looked relatively normal. The cooking of this substance will make up a future post....

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