Thursday, July 21, 2005

Awww shucks

Wow. Another blogger posted a comment about my blog.

Even though I was never writing for people I don't know I've had a few people wander past the site. Re: my blog mission statement, actually caring about this makes me sound like a complete hypocrite but at least I'm a proud hypocrite. i about pissed myself reading this aussie's take on american bs.


jOoLz said...

aww... ty for dropping the name of my blog.

i had a double double animal style last nite and thought of you... my husband says you should try a 3x3 or 4x4 animal style.

yes, this is why all us yanks are so fat.

Anonymous said...

I had an 'animal style' last night too, but thankfully wasn't thinking of Mashy. Eeeeeew.

Happy to try a 3X3 Animal style if anyone's interested?