Thursday, September 20, 2007

What to do when you have a puncher

There is a little blue shack on the side of the ring road that has fascinated me for 4 weeks. Hand-painted on the wall are the words "Puncher Shop". I wondered what they punched? 4 weeks of daily travel later I finally saw a new addition to the shack - a big tyre balanced on its edge out the front with the same words painted on it. AHH A PUNCTURE SHOP. Vehicles and bikes go there to get their punctures repaired. Makes perfect sense.

There are many hilarious english spelling errors here that I have failed to record. At our previous-favourite restaurant, there is a (quite good) drink called a 'throat buster'. One assumes it is meant to mean 'thirst buster'. Otherwise it could have been a form of masala-cola. Yes such a thing exists. You can get spice-flavoured apple juice etc and the packaging is similar to the real stuff. Very horrible, very traumatising to drink if you accidentally buy it.

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